Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Polo Orders

7th & 8th Grade Orchestra Students will once again wear the black EJHS Music Polo shirt for performances.  If you do not have one the order form can be found here: EJHS Polo Order Form  Order forms are due (with money) by August 30th.  If you cannot afford a shirt and do not already have one please contact Mrs. Boyd directly.  Thank you.

IMEA Auditions

7th & 8th graders are eligible to audition for the IMEA District Orchestra.  Students were given information about the process this week in class; if they want to participate they will need to learn three pieces, Hopak, Allegro in G and American Reel outside of class.  (You can find recordings of these here on the blog in the recordings tab.)  I will be holding some afterschool sessions to work on the music (Mondays/Thursdays from 305-345 p.m.) and encourage students to work with private teachers on the music as well.  If they decide to audition they will need to return the IMEA PREP ORCHESTRA form with the $5 audition fee (payable to EJHS).  More detailed information about the audition will come closer to the October 14th audition date.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Helpers Needed!

Hope you all had a GREAT summer!  I am back getting things organized for a crazy year.  This will be the first time EVER in my teaching career that I won't travel during the day, and with that comes some major changes in our program.  I am working hard to have everything ready in time for school but could use some help, here are some things I need:
1) Parent Volunteers to Cut/Put together some flashcard sets (copies are made, just need cut and organized)
2) 8th Graders to serve as student leaders at our 5th grade instrument session on Saturday August 17th (would be about 830-1130 a.m. time commitment)
3) Donations: Pencils, Notebook Paper, Colored Printer Paper, Office Depot Gift Cards, EJHS Music Polos that no longer fit or are needed by students.
Let me know if you can help out!
Mrs. Boyd